Monday, June 1, 2009

A Traumatic Event

Something really scary happened to me (rach) yesterday and I just had to share. I came home from church feeling peachy but after about 30 minutes of reading, I began to feel nauseous, really nauseous. I went and sat on the toilette because I knew that at any moment I could hurl. Then suddenly I broke out into a hot sweat. My body felt like it was burning. I honestly had to rip off my clothes because I was so extremely hot. Then my vision became blurry and I started to go blind. I could only see a few random colors around me but nothing was taking form and nothing was making sense. I felt pain everywhere but especially in my stomach. I stood up to go get one of my parents but I became woozy and fell on the ground. There I was, laying on the floor, practically naked and I could not get up. I yelled for my mom and my dad but neither came to rescue me. Finally my little sister saw me sprawled on the ground and in a panic made a mad dash to where my dad was watching TV in his room, only about 10 feet away from where I was laying I might add. He must have thought that I was faking or something. I know it's hard to believe but I'm actually quite the drama queen, but I digress. So my father came to my side, asking me what my symptoms were and when he could see that I could barely talk, he helped me to my bed. Just as he was about to call 911, my body started to cool down and my sight returned. The pain slowly went away and I was a functional human being again. I was sick for the rest of the day but it was nothing compared to what I had experienced earlier. If you would have told me that I was dying during those few harsh moments, I would have readily believed you. It was so strange. Nothing like that ever happens to me. I'm usually so healthy and hardly ever get sick. It's a mystery to me and I keep asking myself, "did that really just happen?"


  1. I'm scared! Is this Rach or Lauren? It has to be Rach because, Lauren is always dealing with various ailments. This probably would have been pretty standard for her. Poor thing.

  2. !!!

    What?! Are you okay? You're scaring the crap out of me! Go to the doctor!



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